Fire by hand drill

Fire by hand drill

Friday 14 October 2011

What killed this Pigeon?

Look closely and you will notice that only the breast meat is removed. Interesting.

Birds of prey like to remove the breast meat but this was in a very urban area. Must be a sparrowhawk or something.

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Mark said...

Interesting, i found one yesterday at the lakes and only the head was missing, cant figure that one out either.

Keith said...

My thought exactly.

Mouldsy said...

Sparrow hawks and falcons will take the breast meat while buzzards take the head, I don't know why this is but hope it helps a bit.

greyfox said...

It looks like a sparrowhawk kill mate, it really depends on where you found it. If a bird or animal is hungry enough or feels comfortable it will eat its fill. This looks like a classic sparrowhawk kill where it has pinned the bird down and tore out the breast. If it had head removed i might go for a martin pole cat or stout type kill where it has been scarred off the carcass. It might even have been a goshawk or a falcon. Did you see any sign left or any plucking chewing or stripping sign on the feathers?

greyfox said...

Might have been an otter or mink on your kill Kepis, do you get them round your parts mate?

Mark said...

No Otters round these parts, well not up where that was and we "got rid" of most of the Mink and the Mink traps have been empty and untripped for weeks

Andrew Boe said...

Thanks all